Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What NaNoWriMo Taught Me About Writing

This year I participated in NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month. My platform was http://nanowrimo.org. The goal is to write 50,000 words in a month. It has evolved to include different forms of expressions, but the idea is to push yourself as an artist or writer to complete something. I've joined in the fun for years now, even though I don't complete the goal every year. I learn new things each time.

>>> Writing (or creating in general) is an organic process.

>>> If you want to improve or accomplish the end goal you need to gain the habit of writing or creating everyday.

>>> As an artist, I'm still finding my voice. I'm closer now to knowing it than ever before, because I've pushed myself.

>>> You can edit it later. This may sound silly, but the inner editor will slow down or stop the writing process. Just write. The last few days of NaNoWriMo was stream of consciousness crap. 20,000+ words of utter BS. ...but I did it.

>>> Some things are better in your head. One year I had a brilliant idea. I was so excited for the event and felt ready. Then I sat down on day one and began to type...one of the most boring and slow things I've ever conjured up. The story moved along like molasses in a freezer. I had to learn what makes a story move and what makes a plot exciting.

>>> This year I ran out of plot. I learned that my mind works in short stories. Perhaps next year I'll just write a novel of short stories.

>>> My mind works in scenes. I learned that my creativity works in scenes or characters.It's not chronological. Everyone's writer mind produces differently.

>>> If you are stuck, look at art. Read poetry. Listen to music. Got out for coffee. Work out. Go for a walk. ...Or make your characters do one of those things.

>>> It's difficult to be original. You will find your mind falls into cliche traps or copy things you've read without your awareness. One way I avoid this is making a "DON'T' list - a list of things not to put into a story, like orcs or elves or hobbits.

There is Camp NaNoWriMo in April and July. If I'm not too busy I'll join in.