Friday, June 3, 2016

USA & Canada: A Little of This & That

A list of random things between Canada and the USA I've noticed so far. Of course, I don't speak for all of Canada or the US. I'm just sharing the random things that pop up, things that can cause a communication break down sometimes.

Jack & Jill's

These are really awesome and we should introduce the idea to the States. I hadn't heard of it before.

Instead of the expectation that parents pay for a wedding, Canadians have Jack and Jill parties to raise funds to help with wedding costs. From what I understand it's not intended to pay for the whole thing, but to help the couple save some money. It's a party where people drink, play games, and eat food. There's prizes for guests. Think raffles and coin tosses.

I've only attended one, but I've asked around about what happens from different people. Sounds like a nice idea!

Also, relationships and engagements seem to be longer. At least it's acceptable and not unheard of for a couple to be engaged for years. There doesn't seem to be pressure to marry right away. I don't see a lot of open hate towards same-sex couples, but I could be wrong. People I hang with don't seem to care if people are gay. Yes, Americans, that includes "manly" men...even they are like..."whatever, so what they're gay?"  Which brings me to...

Social Issues

I'm still learning about Canada, so this view is limited by my experience in Canada so far. Often, Canadian reactions to American's fights over things like transgender people using public restrooms and gun control and same-sex marriage is...

Confused whaaaaaaaaatttttttt?

Liberal and Conservative

These words mean something different in the the point that I need different words for them because I stumble tying to explain repeatedly the differences everytime I try to discuss the topic.

In the USA we've manifested two groups. There is a sliding scale between the two, but some people fall into the extremes on either side.

You can be a liberal politically, socially, religiously, or financially. 
  • Pro-choice (open abortion practices).
  • Yes to Feminism.
  • Against death penalty.
  • Government regulation of the market.
  • Free or more easily available or even government funded education.
  • Environmentalist - Free ourselves from oil or other non-renewable resources.
  • Global warming is happening.
  • The Second Amendment is not permission for any American to have whatever gun they want all the time without regulation or limits.
  • Free or low-cost government controlled health care.
  • Rights for all immigrants, documented or not. 
  • Separation of church and state. Protection for and from religion.
  • Yay, same-sex marriage!
  • Tax the wealthy more and address the growing class issue.
  • Support welfare and other federal or state aid for people in need.

You can be conservative politically, socially, religiously, or financially.

  • Pro-Life (no or super limited abortions).
  • Yes to death penalty.
  • Super free market system with little government control as possible.
  • Competition for school system.
  • Oil is good.
  • Global warming isn't our problem. 
  • Guns. Yes to guns.
  • Competitive, free market health care system.
  • Undocumented immigrants have no rights. Stronger border control. 
  • Separation of church and state is not a thing...God stuff should and can be in public and government places. "We are a Christian nation."
  • No to same-sex marriage.
  • Limit welfare more, like drug screening. 

Summed up:

When you hear a more liberal American (from the States) talk about conservatives they tend to express frustration with separation of church and state, social justice issues, and how they butt heads over issues like affordable healthcare or education. 

When you hear a more conservative American talk about liberals in the States, they tend to express frustration with gun laws, political correctness, irritation with immigrants not speaking perfect English, and liberals wanting all their money.

I dare to say, as polls often repeat, most Americans are somewhere in the middle of the sliding scale. People don't always agree on every issue, even within the same political or social group. Conflicts arise when conservatives think liberals are too soft and liberals think conservatives are too harsh. We need to take a chill pill.

At best, it's awkward. At worst, it's a problem that keeps families apart or causes bullying at schools or stalemates on the political platform. 

Spelling and Funny Words

They spell things differently here. Like colour...I have to keep checking my writing. Toboggan doesn't mean a hat. It means "hat" in the southern states. Using the word for hat can call out my strongest influence. It means sled in the great north, fyi my State-side, southern friends. Imagine the funny moment of telling my partner that I need a toboggan...for my head.

Most of the differences are subtle; quirks in how Canadians say a word. Mazda is pronounced differently. As is bagel, bag, or other words with "a". I'm not complaining! I think it's fun to hear all the ways English is spoken.


Food isn't much different here. Being that the US and Canada have very similar backgrounds in origins we evolved with the same foods. They have more a French influence, of course. Thus the wondrous, amazing, blessing that is poutine. 

It's one way to become Canadian: Poutine.
Poutine makes you Canadian.
It's really easy to make. Use high quality ingredients for the best experience. I don't want to know the salt or carb content. Don't kill my dreams.

Other than things like's a melting pot of cultures in this area, so there's something for everyone. One thing you'll miss though is specialized things. Southerners from the States will miss deep fried foods, spicy stuff, sweet tea, grits, and corn product everything. I miss my hardcore Mexican restaurants. My Louisiana spicy food. Perfect fried catfish and trout. That one Indian restaurant in Panama City, FL with a chef from Nepal. I'm hoping to try out more restaurants here. I'm always excited to try food from different cultures. I'd sell my diaries for the chance to travel the world and eat food. 

I get two Thanksgivings now. Mawhahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!

Frack you, mean Gilbert the Infamous Turkey! (He used to chase me on my runs back in the day. Now, I can eat his relations at twice the rate!)

Gobble, gobble.
Turkey, watch out.

First Nation and other Native things

Seems the First Nation, or Native Americans in Canada, have the same issues here as Natives in the States do. Stereotypes prevail. This makes me really sad. 

I can't write about this more at the moment, or I'll get upset. Maybe a different day. So, here's something funny. (Low quality video clip but good laughs.)

We Are Not So Different

In the end, we're not that different. But I'll keep you posted as I venture out. I did see a beaver dam the other day...I'll try to get a picture next time. Let me know if there's a topic you want to know more about in relation to Canada. I can learn that way, too!

Later, gators.

Oh, and paid maternity leave is available for up to 15 weeks. *Drops mic* (NO, I'm not pregnant. The dropped mic is for all the mothers in the States who deal with this shit.)