Wednesday, April 20, 2016

That Time I was Naked in the Woods

Naked Time in da Woods
It happened.

When I woke up that sunny, summer morning I didn't know that at some point that day I'd be naked in the middle of nowhere, covered in bug bites and trying not to drown in a muddy river.


I was dealing with relationship problems which were getting worse. (Don't worry, I'm better now and I'm happy with someone else who is super awesome!) I kept needing time away from the situation. If it had been possible, I would have spent time away from myself. One thing life doesn't let us do, right? Funny that we are eternally stuck in our own company. A friend saw my need to get out and about, inviting me out to a park of wilderness and natural springs.

In Florida, especially where I was, it's all about water. It's everywhere. Every type of H2O form there can be, it's there. Swamps, bayous, pools, ponds, lakes, creeks, gulf, brackish, hurricanes, water funnels, torrential rainfall...I swear, there's water lingering in the air. The humidity is so high that I could straightened my hair and step outside for instant curls. Fruit rotted by the time I got home. Mold is a real issue for everyone. Spiders swim. Side note: going from there to Canada was a shock to my skin. I'm basically bathing in lotion everyday.

The most interesting form of water there were the natural spring waters. Fresh, cold, clean water from deep, deep underground eventually finds the surface and bubbles up, making lovely springs to swim in. We decided to visit one in the middle of nowhere, because nothing could possibly go wrong.


My friend, her toddler, and I packed into a truck with snacks, drinks, towels, and a map, The first leg of the trip was driving for a bit on normal roads. I don't remember how long, perhaps an hour...I think more like a couple of hours. Later events take over my memory collection of that day, so who knows.

We spent time talking and laughing and reflecting on life. Our friendship is non-existent these days, but at the time we were close. A couple of years later I would fade out of her life, bearing no ill will to her, but deciding for myself that I can't be a part of her life. She's awesome and it's difficult to explain. I miss her. She's a great listener and great at being with someone in the moment. She was being a great friend for me. This adventure was supposed to be a fun, relaxed time for all three of us.


We get a little confused trying to find the spring and are driving pretty deep into woods and mud paths. We were close to the spring when we drive past prison-workers without a guard. Several men were working on something in the middle of the woods with only a port-a-potty and tools. Neither of us are the judging type, but we'd rather not be in the woods alone with strangers. We both decide to not care unless it becomes an issue. Little did I know, it was foreshadowing to the tone of the day: surprise!

The spring was tucked away in a large, group camping area with a picnic bench deep in pine tree forest. The shade was cool, but the air was still hot from new summer sun. It smelled like trees and dirt; I was in heaven. The spring was larger than I had imagined. It was probably more than 20 feet wide in some places and several feet deep in a few spots. 

We had forgotten about the rain from days before.

For those who are more city-folk than country-folk, rain changes bodies of water. They can get super muddy and even dangerous. The spring was so muddy it was impossible to see into the water. The current was swift and strong. 

"We're strong swimmers!" we said. None of us brought swimsuits, but being women alone in the woods just means swimming in the skinny. This is when things turn for the crazy. Keep in mind, I'm white as the moon. Seriously, I glow in the dark. The Florida sun was shining off my white skin like a reflector. Perhaps that's how the demons found me.

Standing in the nude several feet from the water I was attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes. For those who don't know what a mosquito's the devil spawn of hell. Mosquitoes activate my darkside, turning me into a lord of darkness bent on world domination and complete annihilation of all things mosquitoes. Think Kylo Ren from Star Wars. If I was a bard retelling the story to drunk warriors by a hearth, I'd say 10,000 demon blood suckers swarmed us and we fled to the water for our lives.

You know how sometimes you enter natural water with caution because it's so cold? You stand in it waist-deep for a minute and wait until you're more comfortable? You giggle about how cold it is and splash your friends because you all are making funny faces?

I ran into the cold water and dived in like a polar bear who'd been living in the Sahara for ten years. Fear of cold was silenced by blood-sucking biters. My thought was, "ArrrRRrrggGgGGghhHhHH!"


Now, two adult women and a small child are in underworld cold water bear butt and covered in bites. Don't worry...the ice muddy water blunted the pain at that point...but we're moving...? I tilt my head as I notice the shore is moving away.

The current is strong. At least, both of us being optimists, we smile and say things like, "Oh, the current is fast" and "it's been awhile since I swam last". Then panic sets in as we're trying to swim. I try to swim across the spring to no avail. Keep in mind I'm a natural swimmer. I don't have amazing form or anything like that. I can't dive right most of the time, but I feel at home in the water. A good current though and I'm helpless. I'm only part-mermaid. My Viking learned that in the gulf last year...that's another story.

Anyway, I try to swim across the spring to the other shore. Nope. I lower my standards to a large branch sticking out in the water. Nope. I lower my standards more, aiming for a root. Nope. Okay, perhaps just not get swept away? Nope. Every muscle is working to just not float away. The toddler is climbing unto her mother's head. I hadn't thought about how her work was even harder and I move to help. The child now goes back and forth between us as we try to stay afloat.

We're fighting the current in cold water, naked and afraid of biting demons. We try to make the best of it and are eventually like...This is not what I imagined or hoped. I am not relaxed.

There was actually a moment I started to worry. Legitimate fear crept in and started to imagine myself on a shore miles down the spring with no clothes. 

After a long struggle, we managed to grab roots and pull back onto shore, climbing up a muddy curve into demon biter land again. We rushed to the car, put on the clothes quick as wit, and sat in the truck. I felt gross, tired, winded, wet, and itchy. I had hoped for a relaxing, meditative day in the water and I'm sure my friend did, too. I wasn't angry or sad, just thinking, Well, that just happened.


The outing still helped my mental state, as I was dreaming often about drowning. That's yet another story for another day, but this unexpected event taught me something. That day and over the span of two years I learned something weird about me that I still don't understand fully. For some reason, no matter how grim the situation is, I don't quit. Sometimes to a fault, so it's a not brag. There are times I should quit and be swept away. I'm still learning, but I'm glad to know I have grit. Swimming in muddy water in the woods isn't an example of my grit, but it was a tiny moment of my stubbornness. 


I used a funny story that happened to me to mention something else...

Depression is like drowning. We don't expect a drowning person to save their own life, why do we expect someone suffering from depression to save their own life alone? Change my story...what if it had been the small child alone? Or just the mother and child without me to help? Or just me, plus lost in the woods and injured? Also, telling someone to "suck it up and deal with it" is like telling a naked, injured person drowning in a river to help himself. Uh, not possible.

When someone is suffering from depression, their brain cells are releasing chemicals (summed up in layman terms) that affect their whole body. In some cases, the brain cells are doing this without reason - as in there's a natural chemical imbalance in the body and it's not that person's fault. Even if the depression is caused by an outside force, like something horrible happening to the person, we should reach out like a root in the river for them to hold on to, help them back to the shore. 

People don't walk into depression willing, just like I didn't walk into a mosquito swarm and fast river with the intent to suffer. Sure, people could try to argue that I should have brought insect repellent or a swimsuit or just not gotten into the water...

Some people don't have access to mental health care. We don't choose our life, our body, or our brain. Besides that, people make mistakes. Should they suffer endlessly because we feel better just standing there and not helping? Why wouldn't you want to help someone?

Spin off from some of my favorite quotes...if you're not helping people, what are you doing? I'm not wanting anyone to feel guilty, just understand that depression is real and we all can help.

If you see someone fighting the current, reach out.

If you're having a bad day, just picture a nerdy girl glowing white in the pine forest running from a swarm of bugs into ice cold water. I may or may not have been screaming.


If you have any problems with these sources or have better suggestions, let me know! 


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bookbinding & SCA


Yesterday I was able to attend a bookbinding workshop. I'm so glad there's a group that does these sort of things...nerdy, old world sort of things! The snapshots above show some of the process. The last image is what four hours of work look like, roughly. Next workshop will be about four more hours of finishing what we started. It was led by a very nice lady who definitely knows her stuff!

I was pretty slow, but I kept getting distracted and pausing to check what I had done. I can be a perfectionist. The last few signatures were actually the hardest because I had made sure the hemp cords were snug, making it more difficult to thread the needle! I'm surprised I didn't bleed or stab myself with the needle. The stage it's at now is called a textblock. The pages were called signatures. They haven't been cut 100% yet.

If I remember correctly, pardon me if I'm wrong, this is how people did it during the Gothic period. For those who don't know history, I don't mean Gothic as in those cool peeps that wear all black, I mean Gothic as in 12th century style. This is the more intense bookbinding technique, so I'm excited to learn other ways to do this. I really can't wait to write or draw in the little book!

This is thanks to the SCA...the Society of Creative Anachronism. If you read that and say, "Society of What?" - I'll explain.


We used a thick paper, strong linen thread and hemp rope material. That contraption you see is not a torture device, but something that hold the hemp in place with you thread the signatures (pages) into the hemp with the linen thread. Then you can hammered the edges, cut the pages, and glue some added support onto the side. I'll add more detail in the next post after I learn more!


Summed up it's a medieval recreation group. If you like the idea of recreating an medieval dress, it's for you. If you like the idea of making a medieval lute and playing it, check it out. If you want a group of people who'd appreciate your collection of medieval recipes, look up a local SCA group. They have people studying and practicing the many different aspects of old world life. It's not confined to European history either. The time span is generally from the fall of Rome to the death of Queen Elizabeth. Viking things have become increasingly popular and I don't mind it!

There's all kinds of personalities and interests in SCA. I'm never bored or lonely.

I first discovered the SCA in 2006 thanks to a guy who's actually a butthead. He turned out to be a jerk, but I'm glad that he was involved in the SCA. He introduced me to it at an event and life as a nerd expanded to historical heights. (It's actually the virtue of gentlemen within the group that tipped me off that my supposed knight was actually a little too popular with the ladies and perhaps not worthy of my attention. Glad they tipped me off!) More often than not, the men of SCA are gentlemen. The ladies are awesome, too!

One thing I love about SCA is that they're aren't sexist and they are continually adding more diversity. The LBGT community has a home there. I believe they tend to wear purple feathers? I think...don't quote me on that. Anyway, women can put on armor...real armor...not that dangerous Hollywood stuff...and fight in the battles alongside men. I've seen people of Asian decent donning amazing Medieval Samurai armor, a woman of dark complexion wearing an awesome Tudor gown, a man of European descent bringing to life the styles of the old Middle East, and children wearing the cutest Viking outfits I've ever seen.

There's a thing for everyone.

The Kingdom I hung with in corny Nebraska were kind and generous, but I had to move again and spent the next several years trying (miserably) to make a life for myself. I re-joined SCA in 2014 and got my own membership. I was in Florida then, so a different Kingdom.

FYI, the SCA is divided by Kingdoms and those Kingdoms are split into groups, like Cantons and Shires. They have Guilds and Houses, as well.

That Canton was also friendly and giving. They did neat PR stuff in downtown festivals where they demonstrated martial arts, such as armored combat and rapier. Local belly dancers entertained the crowed between bouts. Now, I'm in the Kingdom of Ealdormere, getting to know local Cantons. I'm new to this Kingdom so I can't answer many questions about them, but so far they be cool beans.

Each group is different, having their own flavor. It's a good way to meet people and make friends if you're like me...a nerd that enjoys the old stuff. You don't have to spend money or become an official member to enjoy it.

Learn more about SCA here: Society of Creative Anachronism
Look up your Kingdom here: Kingdom Lookup!
Newcomer Link: Welcome to SCA!

SCA GOALS FOR 2016 >>>>>>>

* New Garb for my boyfriend and I (I obviously don't have male garb lying around for SCA, plus I need something new. I want something new. I've lost weight and want an excuse for a new dress.)
* Go to more rapier and combat practice!
* Go to Pennsic! About 10,000 in one place...oh, gods... Pennsic War!
* Pick a thing to research and maybe join a guild for said thing.
* Archery!

There ya have it...later, gators!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Look Up at the Sky Day

According to some calendars, it's "Look up at the Sky" Day. As it happened I did look up at the sky today. It was a solid blue, the shade of a robin's egg with no clouds. It was sunny and chilly, but in the nice spring-is-coming way.

Looking at the sky is actually a personal worldview check-in for me. During a particularly lonely time in my life I felt hopeless. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. There's loneliness. There's helplessness. Then there's hopelessness. It's one of the worst feelings ever, because the person experiencing it no longer has the desire to reach out or believe in anything. It's a dangerous place to be.

I was sitting on the steps outside of where I lived, wrapped in a thick coat and trying to find the stars in the night sky...but it was cloudy! My temporary mood lifter of brilliant stars across an inky sky was denied to me by thick, dark clouds. I was angry and first.

Then a break in the clouds revealed a few stars for a moment. Something lit up inside of me that day that I haven't lost since. First, I realized that even though I couldn't see them, the stars were still there. Every day, all day. Even when I couldn't see the light, it was still there. Second, I felt small because the sky didn't need me. The stars didn't care if I saw them or not. One could think that would be a bad thing, yet it was freeing. The universe is going to work if I'm there or in I can't break the universe if I make a mistake.

That's what I tell people when they're confused or scared. That's what I tell myself before an adventure or a big decision. That's what I tell people dealing with guilt...

You can't break the universe. 

You're free to make mistakes, change your mind, be confused, or spend a day feeling absolutely unproductive. 

So, look up at the sky and search for the's there.