Friday, November 4, 2016

Update: November Plans

Hello! This is just a personal update.

The weather here has been up and down for the past few weeks. Chilly one day and warm the next day - like Tennessee weather! I do love all the rain though.

Also, I'm hosting some workshops at the Studio this month. I volunteer at the LivingRoom Community Art Studio and these workshops are a fun way to learn and make art. I'm so glad I have a place to volunteer at -- since I've graduated I've had no work or school! Too much free time isn't a good thing, in my opinion.

This is the first event: Watercolor Paint Party (The fee is for Studio supplies and refreshments and such, as it's during off hours.)

I'm participating in NaNoWriMo to complete my hero project. :) You can track my progress on Twitter, plus I added a little word count widget to this blog's right side menu.

I've been spring cleaning in the fall. I like to get things organized before winter comes...which I'm not looking forward to...I need to buy some proper winter boots.

My other plans include:

  1. Finishing up my permanent residence application
  2. Making some organizers for the games and Xbox controllers 
  3. Finishing my book list (I'm way behind on my reading list.)
  4. Making some art videos (I have a funny idea for xmas ornaments that are Canadian and American themed.)
  5. Update my bullet journal (which has become more of a mess organized mess journal...)
  6. Search for archery classes
  7. Complete a portfolio
  8. Finish my commissions before year's end and contact post office about shipping (these are very old commissions I got in the States, so I'll need to mail them or something.)
  9. Put up new art prints on Etsy and Society6 (I've been having problems with my camera, but I think my Photoshop skills might help fix it.)
  10. Vote overseas for the first time (This is due by next week and it's been quite the learning experience!)
  11. Pre-writing a lot of blog posts 
  12. Re-vamp old art pieces (Stay tuned on that's an idea I had...)

And...that's it for now.

Oh, and waiting to hear back from CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) about my visitor visa extension request. I hope it's approved, as being apart from "Thor" and our Lily Cat will be...I don't even want to think about it. If it doesn't get approved, I'll be blogging from the States in December...

photo of deer
Photo of deer from my trip to Ireland in 2011

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