Tuesday, May 3, 2016

When It's One of Those Weeks

We've all had one. A week when every you touch goes to fray. When you wake up Monday morning with a head cold so bad you can't see straight and all your glorious ambitions are slowed by your inability to leave the house without consuming copious amounts of cold medication. You try to bugger on, but things keep happening.

Your inbox is full. Someone tells you bad news. You're job isn't coming along as you thought it would because of silly paperwork. Maybe your car is having problems or you left the milk out. Then your fridge breaks. The online order was shipped to the wrong place. Your new jeans don't fit. That book you just bought is just...not. Or maybe it's raining on your one day off. Spilt coffee on your jacket before an interview. Your hair should be purple, but it turned out...what color is that anyway? 

All of us could fill a book with all those annoying things. It seems they came in packs, like a cluster of trolls coming to ruin your garden party.

I had a not so sparkling week. Nothing horrible happened, but it's Friday afternoon and I'm just trying to breathe through my nose like a normal person. I haven't slept right in days! 

How to Deal with Trolls* 

*as in weeks, days, or months that aren't going as planned! I planned you, damned it! Stick to the plan!

Point out the things that haven't gone wrong.

As in...I'm still alive. I have two feet, some people can't say that. Coffee. Chocolate. Pizza. My cat chasing the red dot across the house like she's had 200 units of caffeine. I got out of bed. I made breakfast without burning the kitchen down.

Binge watch a favorite show. 

Can't really go wrong when all you have to do is sit still and watch a show.

Turn into a burrito.

One of my favourite activities. First, you grab a snack, a drink, and then position them within arms' reach of where you want to burrito. Optional, turn on a show or music that doesn't need you to pay attention. Finally, wrap up in a blanket until you resemble a stuffed burrito and stop thinking. Sleeping may occur. If you burrito for more than 12 hours, friends may show concern. Consult best friend if burritoing occurs daily for more than two days in a row. Becoming a burrito may attract pets within a 1 mile radius. 

Stop, sit still, and chill for a minute.

Sometimes we need to just pause for a minute. Life can wait. I promise the world will not end if you take 30 minutes to an hour of alone time to just do nothing. Lock yourself in the bathroom with headphones on if you have to - sharing a house with other livings things makes alone time near impossible.

Walk, Run, or Sit Outside

Depending on your abilities, of course, go outside get fresh air. Walk or run if you can, or find a spot to just chill. If you can walk or run, these physical activities have been known to boost mood. Some therapist even make their sessions with clients running sessions! I can say that walking, running, and hiking have helped me stave depression in the past.

Do Something Nice for Someone

My last note is for you to do something nice for someone else. It really does help. Bake some bread and share it. Text a friend a reminder that they're awesome.

In the End

After everything's said and done, it's going to O.K. - one bad day or week will pass. No one lives perfect life, even though some people try to convince you otherwise. Besides, there's no standard on how a week should go or how you should live your life. A bad day or bad week or failed project doesn't mean you're a failure at life. 

How do you deal with a bad week?

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